Monday, 21 September 2009

Welcome Timmy!

Hello and welcome to our newest member of DA BAD BOYZ blog, Timmythesheep!
I'm sure you will all give him a great welcome!

hello timmythesheep here thanks for the welcome im so glad im part of this site!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

M7 studios

Hi all, CaptainPickles set up our studio blog for the lego stop motions and new claymations.
(Note: this is not Capt, Pickles's work I made m7 studios he is just the lead devoloper on it.)

Monday, 7 September 2009

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Darth Vader Meets Bunny!

When Darth Vaders meets a bunny. =0

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Sneak Peak Photo

Hi all,

Here is a sneak peak of the new series of my movies.

Thursday, 3 September 2009


ok this is just the demo and it was a rush job at night the real game vids will be better!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

A new series of my videos coming soon!

Before you ask the demo video is coming today, now for the real news I am starting a new series of action figure stop motions they should be better than the lego ones.

More Info coming soon.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Game Demo Part II

We had some comment problems so we will continue here.... read the comments.

Game Demo

Ok oliver an I are going to give you a demo (read the comments) once we are done playing I will make the video of the game.
but first let me help you understand somethings about the game
() this means grenade.
------this is how far you move
()----- this is how far you have to be safe from the explosion the grenade goes off in 5 seconds so you need to type like this 1 _ thats one step _2 step two _3 step you _4 step four _5 step five how ever to be safe you should go 10 steps to be safe.
ok lets begin when we are done the video will be put on this thread.

Shhhhh... Top Secrect.......

Hello, today we are going to share with you some top secret info about the new game we are making: "Action Run" here is what we can tell you:
  1. The game is action figures
  2. You play as commander gree
  3. You comment the things you want to do and we make a cut scene of it as soon as possible.

Example: Oliver: I want to seek out the survivours

Major7: I am sending a dropship to attack them.

Oliver: I am sneaking around the side to ambush you

Major7: I am sending in renforcements

I think you get the idea now one side plays as gree the other grevious.

We will post more info as soon as possible.
